Selling for $12.90. It has glossy and shiny texture with cute pictures inside. Comes with casing and carbiner. Approx. size of casing :22cm in height and 6cm in width.
Meet Up Points: CCK mrt, Bugis mrt, Dhoby Ghaut mrt, Bugis Junction, Iluma, Marina Square or Plaza Singapura. Purchase below $15 will be mailed either by non-registered or registered postage. Charges varies from items sizes and weights. Payments are to be made via atm or internet banking first and I'll post the items to you. OnlyPurchases of $15 and above will entitled meet ups and payment will be paid during meet up so its risk free!
Other Enquiries
Enquiries:If you need other plushies, drop me a mail and i'll feedback to you as soon as possible.